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Grutas Tolantongo to Oaxaca (natural springs and an oasis)

Not a whole lot has happened since we left San Miguel and Brian has been sick for the past few days, so we didn't really put a full on play-by-play together. However, here are some pictures of the places we slept at, for your viewing pleasure.

Grutas Tolantongo - a river of man-made hot spring pools fed by nature-made hot water pouring down from the main cave above. It's out in the middle of nowhere and takes about 3-4 hours to drive from San Miguel de Allende. We weren't super impressed until we went inside of the cave, which you can do, for free. It was amazing.



Pyramid of the Sun - From Grutas Tolantongo, we headed south toward Mexico City to check out the Pyramid of the Sun, supposedly one of the largest known ruins in Mesoamerica. Again, prepared to be let down (the last ruins we went to were pret-ty weak), we were both in awe.


Hierve del Agua - We ran into a couple of folks, James and Lauren, just outside of Oaxaca at the Overlander Oasis, in Santa Maria del Tule. Our first night in town they introduced us to Mezcal, and we introduced Santa Maria del Tule to a very drunk couple of overlanders. After we recovered, we decided to take a side trip to Heirve del Agua, located roughly an hour or so southeast of Oaxaca. Not a hot spring, but a "spring" nonetheless. The mineral deposits that roll off the sides of the pools have created a petrified waterfall.


[The view from our campsite above the pools]



[Natural infinity pool - can you spy Brian on the left?]


[View of the petrified waterfall from the bottom. Pretty cool]


[Morning fog over the mountains that surround the area. Beautiful]


[Us and - James and Lauren - we had a blast!]

Today is Christmas at the Overlander Oasis and we're staying for their annual Christmas Potluck (Thank you Leanne and Calvin, you guys have been great!). In a couple days, we'll be heading south again. Until then, Feliz Navidad!

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